Friday, November 30, 2007

Why does life have to be so damn hard?

So I haven't blogged in a few days. I haven't really been in the blogging mood, shit, I really haven't been in the mood to deal with my life PERIOD! Much less go and tell everyone else about it. Other than my brain-numbing headache that has lasted for days on end....everything is just driving me nuts. It seems like I am frustrated by just about everything. Everything except for my knitting that is :) At least I have one thing that will keep me semi-sane. I'm still working on my basketweave scarf and it's about 3 feet long so far. I am almost to the end of my second ball of my yarn and I am still debating on how long I want to make it. I did find out today that I will most likely be going to Kansas to visit my best friend Brittany while she is there visiting her family for Xmas. That should be awesome. I haven't seen her in way too long! Also, since I will have a 15+ hour bus ride each way, I will have PLENTY of time to take care of knitting. That rocks :) I have to pack LOTS of yarn and needles that's for sure. Not only that, but I also wanna teach her some awesome knitting while I'm there so she can become obsessed with it like I am. I couldn't pick a better OR a worse time to go out of town. I really need to get away and clear my head and think about a lot of stuff. I know that it will do me some good.
Some more good news, what is better than free yarn right? This morning, I went over to my inlaws and my M-I-L hands me a bag full of yarn that her friend Karen bought for me. Is that awesome or what? I couldn't be happier. Well, unless it was a bag full of money, but hell, I'll settle for yarn....because what would I spend that bag full of money on anyways? Yarn of course.
Well, I am going to go now...Josh should be home anytime and I've gotta find a movie to watch before he gets here, but I promise that my upcoming posts will be more interesting.

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