Sunday, November 25, 2007

Wake-Up from hell!

So what do my lovely little angels wake up with this morning at 6:30 AM? Um, about 3 quarters of a gallon of milk spilled all over my kitchen floor. Yeah, that's right....a freaking gallon of milk. Needless to say, I was just a little bit pissed off. So I spanked the culprit and stuck him in the room for about an hour. Couldn't he at least waited til the sun came up to start doing thoughtful things like that? I guess NOT. So, because I was woke up so early (and lovingly) when I went to church with my mother in law...I could NOT keep my eyes open to save my life. Literally! I don't think that God himself could have kept me awake this morning. So, since I'm so darn tired, I'm going to put the boys in bed, take a nap and hopefully I'll be able to stay awake for a while tonight and hang out and watch some movies with my DH. Much love to you all and happy knitting.

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