Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I've been working my ass off on Cleaves and I'm ALMOST done. All I have is about 5 more inches of knitting to do on the actual cowl part and then I'll finally be DONE!!! YAY! We'll see how I like it once it's done though huh? Either way, I'll still be able to wear it around the house. Cuz it really looks comfy as hell. The yarn is cheap and it's not the softest, but it's still gonna be a cozy sweater regardless.
Shit is been going ok at my new job....it's a LOT more calm now that Xmas and the chaos that came with it is over, but Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I am sure that Vday is going to be TWICE as fucking hectic!!! But one thing that will kinda take the sting off of that, is that Big Brother starts on the 12th of February and anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE me some BB. Thanks to the writer's strike, they are starting early this year and then it will be on again in the summer. YAY!!! At least SOMETHING is going halfway decent for me....even if it IS just some cheesy reality show. It'll help take my mind off of how fucked up everything ELSE in my life is these days.
Shit, I didn't even go to my knitting meeting this weekend....I don't know WHY I didn't, but I decided to stay home and try to get along with Josh and watch some football and we ended up going to get some sushi and stuff. I think I would have rather went to the meeting. That's ok, I'll be there next weekend :)
I decided to post a pic of myself that i took last week. I decided to do SOMETHING that would give my hair a little different of a look and I cut myself some bangs. They are pretty cute actually. Since my hair is all the way down to my waist, it's kinda hard to do anything other than leave it down, put it in a ponytail, or put it in a bun....not a lot of variety when hair gets THAT long. Maybe I'll get a wild hair up my ass and hack it the fuck off. Might as well right :)
Well, as soon as I finish my Cleaves, I'll post a finished picture of it. Until then I'll be going crazy, hating my life, and working my ass off :) Hope your day is better

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