Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Something to celebrate :)

Ok so with everything else in my life basically in the shitter lately, I honestly didn't think that I would have ANY good news to post on this blog now, or anytime soon. Well, believe it or not, I was wrong. I know, I know I can't believe it either (that I was wrong, that is :) ) Anyhow, today I went out looking for a job and I turned in my application at Hobby Lobby....which would have been a wonderful job and I would have been happier than hell if I had actually gotten it, but I didn't even have a chance to call the guy that is in charge of the hiring. I also got an application for a waitressing job, which also would have been great. It wouldn't have excited me nearly as much as a job at Hobby Lobby, but any extra money right now is something I would gladly welcome...and then I went to luck there. We were about to go back home, but I told Josh to go ahead and swing me by a florist that I heard was hiring and just give it a chance. I didn't even get to fill out an application. When I told them that I was an experienced designer they were falling all over themselves trying to talk to me. I sat and waited for about 10 minutes as the phone rang off of the hook and customers came in. I finally was able to talk to the manager and she asked me about my work experience, availability, and all that other good stuff. She asked me what I was making at my other job and then she told me to come in tomorrow at 9am. I asked her if this was for another interview or what and she said "Oh no sweetie, I want you to start first thing in the morning. I can most likely get you what you are making now and if not you'll get that in a month, but I want you to start tomorrow!" She told me that I would be getting so many hours here that I'll be SICK of working there!!! I didn't even have to fill out an application with them. Not only that, but I will still be able to keep my other job, which is excellent since I have NO plans of giving that up anytime soon. Most florists will not hire you if you work for another shop because they are very competitive with prices and things like that, but they have no problem with me working there. I'm glad because it sucks when you have to hide things like that. It just complicates things and the LAST thing that I need are more complications in my life right now. Either way, I'll be starting my new job tomorrow and I really hope that I like it there. It seems like it's pretty laid back there, but who knows really until I actually start. I know that this will be good for me right now because it's going to help take my mind off of all of the craziness and drama that is going on. Josh was so happy for me when I told him that I got the job. This will make it so that he will not have to work much and will be able to get himself taken care of and won't have to work while he's feeling so damn shitty. I don't mind taking on all of the responsibilities of the house right long as everything chills out and Josh is able to get better and go to the doctors thwn he needs to.
Well, other than that I don't really have any news other than that. I'm still working on my new basketweave and I'm definatly gonna have to bust ass on that sicne i"m gonna be working so much now. I'll probably be working overtime so that won't leave much time to do my knitting. I'll let everyone know how my first day of work goes tomorrow. Much love to all of you!

1 comment:

the knitrider said...

Congrats! That is SO awesome! Let me know how things went. Also congrats on finishing basketweave! Im finally back in Chi so I am trying to decompress after a lot of stress all week.. Getting back to the springs was no easier than getting out..